Ellie Franklin
Advanced Computer Graphics
Perovskite Solar Cells
This product is still in development, but is very promising. Perovskite is a material that forms like crystals and has changed the way solar cells are produced. It is far easier top produce than silicon cells and also costs significantly less. There is currently lots of competition when it comes to producing efficient solar cells and finding new materials that work. The impact will be very significant because this means solar panels will become more affordable, meaning more households can buy them. This would be a huge step for clean energy. Currently, if an average household were to purchase enough solar panels to power most of their home, new panels would have to be purchased by the time they were payed off. This tends to lead people away from solar power, but with this less expensive solar cells, the technology would become more common. This technology will probably stick around for a while and is estimated to be available to the public within the next 5 to 10 years. Although there have been problems with mass production, there is so much competition, there is bound to be a solution found. Many universities, such as Oxford, are looking into these cells. They can be combined with silicon cells for maximum efficiency. Even with the new advances in this technology, there is still quite a ways to go.