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Bad Dreams 

For this game we started out with the player, a little guy in his nightgown, and made it so he could move around and shoot. We added enemies that would follow and damage the player and created spawn points for those enemies. On the Heads Up Display (HUD) canvas we have a little heart and a health bar that goes down when the player is attacked. When the enemies are killed, they are each worth different points and they sink into the floor with an animation. Each enemy spawns at a different place and has a certain amount of time between each spawn. When the player runs out of health a death animation plays and the game over screen flashes on. In this game there are many different scripts that control different things. There are several game managers, like the game over manager and the enemy manager. The game over manager is only involved with the game over screen but the enemy manager is used for each enemy spawn point. There are many other scripts on other parts of the player and enemies for movement, health, shooting, and attacks.  

© 2016 by Ellie Franklin

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